Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Most effective ways to annoy a journalist - Part 2

What do you call a hungry person who shouts ‘you irritate me’ or spits ‘mmxxxi’  yet you are offering him a bowl of rice?

In Part 1 of the series Most effective ways to annoy a journalist, real NEWS, not PR blabla’s, was said to be what reporters and editors look for in your pitch, which helps you endear yourself to them. But look, that is not the same as saying real news buys you automatic media coverage of your organisation or event.

You know very well that well fried and tantalising Chambo fish brought to you in a tattered, scrappy and unwashed plastic plate loses its appeal to you. The manner in which you talk to reporters and editors about NEWS in your organisation can do two things:

Monday, 30 July 2012

Most effective ways to annoy a journalist - Part 1

Internet photo

Ever asked yourself why reporters sometimes do not cover or publish news from your organisation?

Is it because the reporters you contact are too proud of themselves? Do you think they don’t like you personally? Or they dislike your organisation?

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Defending the indefensible NOT best PR practice - A tip from Ambassador Pan

There is something worth noting about the manner in which the Chinese Ambassador to Malawi recently reacted to accusations against Chinese nationals operating small businesses in rural areas in the southern african country.

What additional media houses in Malawi bring to PR practice

I think the awarding of licences to fifteen more television and radio stations in Malawi as announced by the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority and Minister of Information, Moses Kunkuyu, creates both an opportunity and a professional challenge for PR practitioners.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

My female friend’s menses in a restaurant

You are a man and you are with a female friend in public when you notice her pants have red spots indicating it’s that time of the month but she doesn’t seem to notice it. Just what would you do?

Friday, 20 July 2012

DPP seriously needs communications barons

DPP spokesperson, Nicholas Dausi
If Malawi’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is serious about giving President  Joyce Banda and her ruling People’s Party a good run in the 2014 presidential and parliamentary race, the former ruling party should seriously consider not only to engage communications strategists but also to be willing to implement their recommendations.

The recent statement that DPP’s spokesperson Nicholas Dausi gave to the Daily Times clearly signifies the party is not capable of mending its tattered public image with regard to intolerance towards dissenting views.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Something wrong with Malawi civil society's goal for July 20 protests commemorations

The Malawi Civil Society’s goal for the planned commemoration of the victims of the July 20, 2011 police shootings during mass demonstrations over economic and political governance issues suggests the organisers have no clear idea of what they intend to achieve.

Zodiakonline of July 15, 2012 is quoting Chairperson of the organizing team (of the commemorations) Mr Moses Mkandawire as saying the main message at the event, to be held in Mzuzu, is reconciliation and forgiveness. He further says victims and families of those that died in the July 20 shootings will be brought together so that they can 'reconcile'. Now, there emerges an indication of something not done right.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

A Public Relations miscalculation by UNIMA council

The decision by the Council of the University of Malawi to force former President of the Chancellor College Academic Staff Union, Dr Jessie Kabwila, and the Attorney General to pay compensation to students who sued the Council during the Academic Freedom Fight in 2011 is indicative of one thing: The Council lacks Public Relations acumen.